Thursday, December 31, 2015

Thank You and Goodbye 2015!

Before I say Thank You and Goodbye 2015, here is my Simple Style of 2015, My Collection! Hahaha! Sorry for being busy on school and I promise this 2016, there are lot of ootds coming on my blog SOON! I promise to be more active again on instagram and creating a blog post.

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The Year 2015 for me has been a bad and good memories plus a challenging year.

If I will enumerate all the good and bad memories of my 2015, I will mention and share to you my unforgettable memories in my life in 2015, I faced some challenges in school, the first is the thesis, second the grades in Behavioral Finance and Public Finance and imagine I survived! Thank You Lord!!!

I remember that during Behavioral Finance Class, my feelings are mixed emotions there are lot of emotions and feelings, the suspense, the intense, the excitement, the surprise, the twist, and the most is nervous during class because of the oral quiz, recitation and examination, you know what for every chapter of our lessons, there is a chance only 2 to 5 questions should answer and in some chapter there are lot of terms to be memorize and study. Damn! My memory is now overloaded of some terms and formulas. In this subject I love computation compare to define and explain some terms even if I know and I studied the chapters and lessons. During our recitation, quiz and exam if you are the one to answer now the questions you will feel nervous and having a mental block. Damn! Every meetings are very intense and twist! In short the Behavioral Finance is challenging subject and you must have a time to study here.

But thank you Lord and Sir Gabby!

Meet my professor in my Major Subject, Behavioral Finance, Sir Gabby!

In Public Finance Class is very challenging subject also.

In Financial Research, the thesis is my unforgettable memories because of the requirements, I think, I should not mention here what are the good and bad memories here in my financial research anyway Thank You Lord, we survived on Financial Research, the paper, the defense and all the requirements.

Meet again my Fin Res Buddies, my adviser Ma'am Faty and Assistant Program Head Sir IG!

The another challenging year for 2015 is OJT Hunting!
I remember that when I am applying for an internship to the company for my OJT is very difficult to find a company because we know that there are lot some of competition and interns. In short, OJT Hunting is very difficult.

But thank you Lord, I passed some interviews 3 out 4 companies and I choose the best and perfect company that I will share my knowledge and help the company itself and I want to learned more in here, the CDC Holdings Inc. I am very happy to be here to have my internship to this compay because the company profile itself is very perfect for me and I am happy to the company because of the employees, the staff, and the boss are very nice and friendly.

Thank You CDC Holdings Inc for accepting me! :)

The Best Memories for 2015 is I survived all the requirements and subjects, no more academics. Gradwaiting it is! Hahahaha! I am excited for 2016 Hahaha!

Thank You and Goodbye 2015!!!!! What's coming next 2016?

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