Thursday, March 31, 2016

After my Internship...

I am very lucky and I am very blessed!

After my internship. Contract Signing... I did not expect this that CDC Holdings Incorporated absorbed me.

I remember that my internship started last December 5, 2015 and I am the last who started the internship in all my friends. Honestly, it is very difficult to find a company for the internship and what if when you are looking a company for a job and I am lucky that my internship is in CDC Holdings Incorporated and they absorbed me and I have a contract signing, I am so blessed!

I remember the year 2015 is not good for me and I think the year 2016 is my year. Thank You Lord for the good start and Thank You Lord for all the blessings. Thank You Lord for always there for me.

CDC Holdings Incorporated is very perfect for me to work in here because of the company profile itself. In here, the boss, the staff, the employees are very nice and friendly that's why I accept the offer because this is it! The Beginning of New World! Hello Corporate World!

I just want to thank again, the HR Department that I am part on your department. I learned a lot even my course is Finance.

I remember on my first day of my internship at CDC Holdings Incorporated. When I met the HR Assistant while we are inside the elevator going up, she said "Okay Carlo, you will assign to HR Department" so my reaction here is I am shocked, why? Because I don't have any ideas or any background regarding the course of Human Resource Management / HR so I feel nervous because my course is Financial Management. I accept the offer that I will assigned to the HR Department. 

My first task is to file and segregate the resume according to the position, in here I feel shocked again I don’t know what to do in order to fix all the resume according to the position. My strategy here is I file and segregate the resume according to the courses…. For me, filing and segregating resume is very difficult to decide what is the right position to the applicants so I decided to file and segregate the resume according also to work background of the applicants. 

Then on the next day I text and call some applicants also for the interview and to remind some applicants they will start his / her First Day of Work. You know what I feel nervous again because I will talk / call the applicants and my boss is watching me while I am doing the command from my boss that I will call and text the applicant because I don’t know what to do, what to say to the applicants but they guide and help me and I write the details in the paper so that when I will call the applicants I will read the right way how to contact or entertain the applicants to attend their interview.

I enjoy my first day of my internship at CDC Holdings Inc.

The Finance and Treasury Department, this is it! My first task is to file and sort the official receipts for the month of August according to the projects of CDC Holdings Inc. Wow! So many ORs in the office, many numbers hahaha!

My whole first day in Finance and Treasury Depeartment I spend to file and sort the Official Receipts. Overtime! Hahaha!

And on the other next day, everyday, every week and every month I have new duties and responsibilities not only filing or sorting. In here my course is very useful. I will not mention to you what are my duties and responsibilities in CDC Holdings Incorporated Hahahaha! Secret... :) 

Thank You Finance and Treasury Department, I learned a lot!

I am happy at CDC Holdings Incorporated!

Again, Thank You CDC Holdings Incoporated! See you on April! 
Can't wait!

#GradWAITING #RoadToPICC2016

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